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Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - PJ - 05-26-2020

I was wondering if anyone listens to Dave Ramsey and what your thoughts are about him or his program/philosophy?

Monica got me listening to Dave 5+ years ago and throughout that time my thought have had sort of an evolution.  Not necessarily good or bad but just a different understanding of not only what he talks about but why and what his actual business is.

(Feel free to do a debt free scream.)

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - Orion1876 - 05-26-2020

I think Dave Ramsey makes a lot of valid points about maintaining monthly finances. I am just not sure I can get on board with placing monthly budget funds into envelops to spend on certain expenses.

Having a credit card is a need these days with many retailers no longer accepting cash. As long as people use their credit card like it is cash and not spend more than that can afford to buy each month having a credit card should not be an issue.

In general I am not a fan of debt cards because there is no built in separation from a bank account, so it can take quite a long time to get your money back if their is an issue or an item is returned.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - MiscellaneousDave - 05-26-2020

I think his stuff makes a TON of sense, it just isn't something I could easily do. I enjoy my life now even with debt. Like everyone else I just pay it down slowly and do my very best not to add to it (which I am reasonably successful at doing).

As far as adding money into envelopes, that could be easily done virtually with a financial program like Quicken. But I also understand that takes away some of the effectiveness of what he tries to do/show.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - MiscellaneousDave - 05-26-2020

Not to mention, if I was to do his program I wouldn't be able to buy the AMAZING deals that PJ posts! Smile

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - JFeeney - 05-26-2020

Never heard of him until now. I must live under a rock.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - Orion1876 - 05-26-2020

(05-26-2020, 09:44 AM)MiscellaneousDave Wrote: Not to mention, if I was to do his program I wouldn't be able to buy the AMAZING deals that PJ posts! Smile

Very true.  Have to always be ready for that next great deal.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - MiscellaneousDave - 05-26-2020

(05-26-2020, 09:52 AM)Orion1876 Wrote:
(05-26-2020, 09:44 AM)MiscellaneousDave Wrote: Not to mention, if I was to do his program I wouldn't be able to buy the AMAZING deals that PJ posts! Smile

Very true.  Have to always be ready for that next great deal.

EXACTLY, which is why I could never do this.  hhahahaha Smile  I enjoy that part of my life.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - PJ - 05-26-2020

I really liked him when I first started listening to him. I have never had a ton of debt but I had a car payment and house payment at the time. Monica got me listening to him and I have worked from home forever so I always need something to watch or listen to and he's on for 4 hours every afternoon so I would (and still) listen to him a lot.

The more I got into affiliate marketing the more I realized how much of the show is really just a sales pitch and lead generation for his various products. That doesn't bother me because you have to have a way to monetize free content. But then Monica and I went to one of his events and it was actually Chris Hogan (a "Ramsey personality") that was the presenter. Two things about that event turned me off. The first was it was a paid event, you had to pay to be there and it was still a sales pitch of these other products... I already paid you stop selling and give me information that isn't available on the radio every day. The second thing was I didn't believe Chris' stories. The one that sticks out the most was he was talking about a motorcycle he had and I think it was something about him having to get rid of it for this or that reason. The whole time he told the story their was a stock picture of a motorcycle on the screen. Has anyone on the planet that has owned a motorcycle not taken a picture of them either on it or standing next to it? You want me to believe this story with a backdrop of an image you bought on some website for a buck? I felt like not only am I being sold but I'm being lied to.

Come up with a true story that proves whatever point you are making.

That being said I still listen, I just listen in a different way. More for the comedy of peoples shit show situations than for much actual knowledge.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - MiscellaneousDave - 05-26-2020

I get that. I remember some show I once watched and I thought it was real. Afterwards when I found otherwise I would still watch it just not as much and not the same way.

RE: Dave Ramsey - What do you think? - MaintenanceGuyMD - 05-26-2020

He makes some good points, though I don't agree with everything he says. He says he doesn't use credit cards and won't get one. Everyone should get a credit card with cashback rewards, but the key is always pay off the balance in full each month. If you have self control, it works out in your favor. Just from groceries alone, I can make at least $200 a year cashback, tax free.