09-06-2020, 06:12 PM
<img src="https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/6d25174f-342a-432f-84fc-1fc8265d5e71_1.20469c6cc0c4e9a889858e6825c434a7.jpeg?odnWidth=612&odnHeight=612&odnBg=ffffff" width="300px" />
Was: $2.99
Now: $0.90
Just about every store seems to have these in stock but the prices are all over the place. The cheapest I saw was 90 cents. Scan the barcode below with the Walmart app to check stores near you.
Was: $2.99
Now: $0.90
Just about every store seems to have these in stock but the prices are all over the place. The cheapest I saw was 90 cents. Scan the barcode below with the Walmart app to check stores near you.