02-25-2021, 04:10 AM
<img src="https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/ac0cde14-0cc3-4764-bb9c-1b353a183d11.134ca98b4a9ac60b2833d3cd1a78a362.jpeg?odnWidth=undefined&odnHeight=undefined&odnBg=ffffff" style="width: 300px;" />
Was: $129.99
Now: $69
A lot of stores actually have this in stock. It seems to be split 50/50 between pricing it at $69 or at $89. Scan the barcode with your Walmart app to check stores near you.
Was: $129.99
Now: $69
A lot of stores actually have this in stock. It seems to be split 50/50 between pricing it at $69 or at $89. Scan the barcode with your Walmart app to check stores near you.