05-26-2020, 12:24 AM
Orion1876 brought up his hope of this forum being informative and being helpful for the people here (paraphrasing). So to kick that can a bit further down the road I was wondering what do you guys do for a living, what are your hobbies, what are you good at? No.... I'm not looking to date you, I'm looking to take advantage of you! 
If person X says they are a plumber and person Y says they can't figure out why their toilet is overflowing maybe someone could kindly inform person Y of the unique talents of person X. (The interesting part is depending on your personality type.. for lack of a better description.. some person X would really be annoyed by this... that person X probably shouldn't reply to this lol)
For me, my core competency probably revolves around finding discrepancies between marketplaces. Or you might say finding good deals. I have been doing it in different forms since I was a teenager selling on eBay. Buy it cheap here and sell it for more on eBay, that kind of thing. Then I added selling on Amazon to list. With selling on both of those platforms I had to learn how to ship things. And I don't mean just throwing something in a box but how to do it my way... which is to say the cheap bastard way. From that spawned the Youtube channel and the website.
In other words, if you need a deal on something I can try to find it. A specific model is very difficult but if its... "hey I need a new pressure washer" then I got you. If you have a question about selling on eBay or Amazon, shipping, making Youtube videos, building a website, using Wordpress or MyBB (the software this forum uses) then their is at least a reasonable chance I can help you.

If person X says they are a plumber and person Y says they can't figure out why their toilet is overflowing maybe someone could kindly inform person Y of the unique talents of person X. (The interesting part is depending on your personality type.. for lack of a better description.. some person X would really be annoyed by this... that person X probably shouldn't reply to this lol)
For me, my core competency probably revolves around finding discrepancies between marketplaces. Or you might say finding good deals. I have been doing it in different forms since I was a teenager selling on eBay. Buy it cheap here and sell it for more on eBay, that kind of thing. Then I added selling on Amazon to list. With selling on both of those platforms I had to learn how to ship things. And I don't mean just throwing something in a box but how to do it my way... which is to say the cheap bastard way. From that spawned the Youtube channel and the website.
In other words, if you need a deal on something I can try to find it. A specific model is very difficult but if its... "hey I need a new pressure washer" then I got you. If you have a question about selling on eBay or Amazon, shipping, making Youtube videos, building a website, using Wordpress or MyBB (the software this forum uses) then their is at least a reasonable chance I can help you.