Below you will find an active 20% off single item coupon as well as other specialty coupons to use at Harbor Freight. We will keep this page updated so that the coupon displayed is always valid. You can use the code below the barcode to make an online purchase or a purchase through the 800 number. If shopping in store you can print the coupon or show the cashier the coupon on your phone!
Did you know that some Lowe’s and Home Depot stores will take Harbor Freight 20% off coupons as a competitor coupon? It depends on the store and on the item you are purchasing but it never hurts to ask!
Not finding the Harbor Freight 20% coupon you were looking for? Take a look at our other Harbor Freight posts to see the latest coupons and sales flyers including Parking Lot Sales and Black Friday ads. If you are an Amazon shopper be sure to check out our Daily Amazon Promo Code List with up to 200 new promo codes every day.
*Harbor Freight is no longer issuing 20% coupons like they have in the past. We will update this page whenever a new one comes out however I have a feeling they will only be good for a couple of days at a time. I’d highly recommend joining our e-mail list (sign up form above) so that you don’t miss out on any future 20% coupons.

20% Off Any VULCAN branded accessory including welding wire, electrodes, gloves, helmets, cabinets, foot pedal, guns, torches, tips and nozzles. NO EXPIRATION DATE
Some users have told us that Harbor Freight is not taking 20% coupons from their phones. These stores are doing this outside of the Harbor Freight coupon policy. Here is a screenshot from the Harbor Freight homepage, Click Here. Note the screenshot also says that you can print the coupon. If your store is giving you a hard time you can try printing the coupon OR show them a text message. As you may know, Harbor Freight has a text message service that will text you coupon codes. Here is the exact text you receive. Just text this message to yourself.
HarborFreight: Welcome! Here’s your 20% off 1 item coupon #(COUPON CODE HERE) valid 7 days, *exclusions apply. Text TEXTSTOP to Stop, HELP for Help. Msg&dataRatesMayApply
There is a 20% off coupon that is valid thru 2/28/21 – the code is: 37998045
The 20% off coupon without the Central Machinery exclusion would not work in store nor online for Central Machinery branded products. Man I would love it if it worked!! — But it did not.
20% off super coupon does not work online for the central machine tools. I don’t know about the store. Here is a 100 dollar off coupon code that does work for the 2hp milling machine. 39382246
can someone confirm when can we expect the next 30% off coupon- I’m sure therte’s a seemingly clear schedule??
Aweness!! Works great!! Thank you!!!
Just came back from HF and could use this coupon it was too blury and we could read the code luckily they had one there!
Lil hint Bill: could ≠ couldn’t
I’ve been experiencing something weird lately… For the last 3 days I have tried to order various different “Pittsburgh Pro 1/2 drive ratchets” using the famous $5 off coupon that has no expiration date. And it wouldn’t work on any of them! I get an error message online when entering the code. It says something like “Coupon code 50223675 has reached it’s limit”. I have tried almost all of them. And even 1 ratchet by itself. Nothing works. I hope it’s just a temporary computer bug. I am worried that they “killed” the coupon that isn’t supposed to expire. I love Pittsburgh pro ratchets, I was slowly working my way through all of them. I started with 1/4, then 3/8… And was trying to finish my collection with the 1/2’s…
I just used that coupon maybe 2 days ago on a 1/2″ drive ratchet and it worked. I think the coupon says 1 per customer so maybe if you are logged into your online account it sees you have used it before? That sounds way too sophisticated for Harbor Freight but maybe try using the coupon without being logged in.
The 30% off an item under $10 is not a valid coupon. Tried it at my local Harbor Frieght. They typed in the numbers and scanned. Not valid.
Sorry i was told it was a valid coupon. Worked for me in store. My bad
The 30% off coupon which is valid thru 4/7/19 from Javier did not work in store or when entered at HF online. They mentioned it was a 3rd party coupon and are waiting to hear from corporate to figure it out.
Stopped back in to see if the store found out anything about the 30% off coupon. They will accept the coupon but not until April 1-7. They had no further comment.
I’ve tried the 30% off any item under $10 twice and it says coupon not valid
Did you try it in-store?
In store and online
I tried it in my store today as well, it didn’t work. The cashier didn’t know why.
Used 30% off on 3/27 and 3/29 without problem in-store. Saved big because I needed a bunch of items < $10.
635535290036 20% Off 1 Item online or ordered by phone at Harbor Freight through September 2018
Very much appreciated. :o)
Thank you so much for doing what you do! I watch your videos as well.
you’re awesome…thanks