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Harbor Freight Deceptive Pricing Class Action Lawsuit (Get Your Money Back!)

gavelHarbor Freight has reached a settlement in a class action lawsuit for deceptive pricing practices. Basically it was claimed that Harbor Freight used the “compare” price that you always see on their website and coupons in a deceptive way. All you should really care about is if you were a Harbor Freight customer between April 8th, 2011 and Dec. 15th, 2016 you may be entitled to some money!

So who exactly is included in this settlement?

Harbor Freight customers in the United States who, between April 8, 2011 and December 15, 2016, purchased any product from Harbor Freight which was advertised with a higher reference price (e.g., “reg. $XXX,” “only $XXX,” or “comp at $XXX”) adjacent to a lower current offering price, but which was not sold by Harbor Freight at the higher reference price for at least 28 of the last 90 days prior to purchase

If this applies to you, here are your 3 options:

  • Option A. Customers who have itemized Harbor Freight receipts can submit copies of those receipts and elect to receive either 20% in cash, or 30% in a Harbor Freight gift card, of the total “you saved” amount listed on their receipts, excluding any amounts reflecting free items or items that were later returned.
  • Option B. Customers who have credit or debit card statements reflecting one or more purchases at Harbor Freight can submit copies of those statements and elect to receive either 10% in cash, or 12% in a Harbor Freight gift card, of the total Harbor Freight purchases on their credit or debit card statement(s), excluding any amounts reflecting items that were later returned.
  • Option C. All other customers who made purchases at Harbor Freight may submit one declaration, signed under penalty of perjury, stating that they purchased an item from Harbor Freight (other than a free item or an item that was later returned) that was advertised with a higher reference price (e.g., “reg. $XXX,” “only $XXX,” or “comp. at $XXX”) adjacent to a lower current offering price, and that they do not have itemized Harbor Freight receipts or credit or debit card statements of their Harbor Freight purchases. Customers submitting this declaration will receive one $10 Harbor Freight gift card.
  • After submitting a claim when will you be paid?

    Payments will be made, after the Court grants “final approval” of the settlement and after any appeals are resolved, to eligible Class members who do not opt out and who send in valid and timely Claim Forms. If the Court approves the settlement after a hearing on July 7, 2017, it is possible that there may be appeals. Payments to eligible Class members will be mailed in most instances no later than approximately 1-2 months after the Court grants final approval of the settlement.

    If you believe you are entitled to some money back from Harbor Freight and would like to join this class action lawsuit you can fill out the claimant form, HERE.

    The deadline to submit a claim is AUGUST 7, 2017!

    You will need to fill out the form and mail it in along with copies of your receipts or credit card statements. I did not find any information regarding online orders. Most of my Harbor Freight purchases are actually done online and therefore I printed all the orders from my online account.

    Be sure to sign up for our Harbor Freight e-mail list (top right corner of this page) so that we can keep you posted if any updates become available regarding this class action lawsuit.

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    8 thoughts on “Harbor Freight Deceptive Pricing Class Action Lawsuit (Get Your Money Back!)

    1. Les

      Are you clowns kidding me? Best price on tools and you feel the need to get money back give me a break you knew the prices fuck me makes me puke

      1. Anonymous

        If you don’t like it then go away. I’m sure you have better things to do like suck Harbor Freights CEO off

    2. Andrew

      Every time you go into a Harbor Freight they ask for your phone number. They know who bought what when and how much they paid. Is there a way to access the information on your own account?

      1. pj Post author

        I don’t see anything on the Harbor Freight website that would let you look up past orders from a phone number. Surprisingly orders I made in store don’t even show up in my account even though they have my phone number and my ITC account.

        If you got a hold of customer service they should be able to at least give you the order numbers of your past purchases….however just because they should be able to doesn’t mean they will.