Everyone knows time is money. If you have been selling online for any length of time you have undoubtedly come across a scenario where an item sold and you just couldn’t find it! Look high and low, question whether you sold it previously and ultimately you may just end up refunding the buyer. Whether you find the item or not you definitely just wasted a bunch of time and money.
Being organized is a way to be more efficient and waste less of that precious time of yours. About a week ago I made a post regarding the spreadsheet I use to keep track of my inventory (Click Here for that post). This time I want to show you how all of that inventory gets stored at my house. The video below explains a bit about my storage system and a few tips to make things go a little more smoothly for you.
Here are the storage shelves I use.
(By the way, in the thumbnail below do you see all the white paint all over the storage shelf? If you want to know how that happened, WATCH THIS!)