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Levanta: A Cautionary Tale For Affiliates

I recently encountered a concerning issue while working as an affiliate on the Levanta platform. I receive monthly invoices detailing commissions owed by various brands. However, to my dismay, several brands listed on the invoice had not paid the commissions they owed me.

When I contacted Levanta about this, their response was less than reassuring. Instead of taking proactive steps to ensure payment from these brands, they encouraged me to directly contact them myself. This approach seems inadequate, especially considering that Levanta facilitates these partnerships in the first place.

Levanta’s response: “At Levanta, we do our best to hold sellers accountable for their obligations, including timely payments. While we strive to ensure a trustworthy platform, maintaining open communication with sellers is a proven practice that can help resolve potential issues quickly and effectively. We recommend keeping regular contact with the companies you work with to ensure clarity and alignment. If you encounter persistent issues with a specific seller, please let us know, and we’ll do our best to assist.”

This response, while well-intentioned, is incredibly impractical for affiliates. Levanta currently boasts over 1,800 brands on its platform. In my specific case, I was owed commissions from 57 different brands during this single payment period. The sheer volume of brands makes it virtually impossible to individually contact and pursue payment from each one. Furthermore, there’s often a significant lag between the time a commission is earned (via a product sale) and the scheduled payment date. This lag can span several months, making it difficult to track down brands, especially if they have since left the Levanta platform.

This response also suggests that Levanta’s primary responsibility lies in facilitating communication between affiliates and sellers, rather than actively ensuring that sellers fulfill their financial obligations.

Levanta’s response lacks any mention of removing brands that consistently fail to pay their affiliates. Despite knowing which brands owe affiliates money, Levanta continues to allow these brands to remain on the platform. This allows them to continue promoting their products and potentially mislead new or unsuspecting affiliates into promoting products for which they may never receive proper compensation. Levanta has a responsibility to maintain a trustworthy platform and should take more decisive action against brands that repeatedly violate payment agreements, such as removal from the platform. This would not only protect affiliates from future losses but also help maintain the integrity of the platform itself.

A Word of Caution:

Based on my experience, I urge other affiliates to proceed with caution when partnering with brands through the Levanta platform. While Levanta offers the potential for lucrative collaborations, the risk of non-payment appears to be a significant concern.

Furthermore, recent changes to Amazon’s terms of service have significantly impacted affiliates using platforms like Levanta. Amazon now prohibits affiliates from using their Amazon Associate ID while participating in other affiliate networks. This means that when using a Levanta link, affiliates forfeit their ability to earn commissions directly from Amazon. This change compounds the issue of non-payment by brands on the Levanta platform, as affiliates are essentially foregoing potential Amazon commissions without any guarantee of consistent payouts from the brands they promote through Levanta. Previously, platforms like Levanta heavily marketed the potential to earn commissions from both Amazon and the platform itself as a key selling point. This change significantly alters the value proposition for affiliates.

Here is a list of brands that have not met their payment obligations (I will update the list monthly as new invoices are generated.):

Lane Linen
Morento (This company even sent out a message to affiliates telling them they wouldn’t be paying the commissions, read it here.)
Dynasty Products
ToiletTree Products

Moving Forward:

To minimize the risk of non-payment check back with this page to see the updated list of brands who are not meeting their payment obligations. Feel free to e-mail me,, if you are on the Levanta platform and have a brand that has not paid you. You may want to consider other affiliate platforms such as: PartnerBoost, Archer Affiliates or Wayward. Ultimately the most reliable source for earning commissions from Amazon products is the official Amazon Affiliates program.

This article serves as a cautionary tale for other affiliates. While Levanta may offer valuable opportunities, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to protect yourself from non-payment.

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