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Amazon: Pack of 8 T5 Fluorescent Bulbs, 20W Fluorescent Lights for Shops, 2000Lm Integrated Single Fixture, 4ft Linkable Shop Light By DIKAIDA – 60% Off

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Promotion availability and prices can change at any time on Amazon. Information included on this page is accurate as of 2025-03-12 at 09:44 CST.

Save 60.0% on select products from DIKAIDA with promo code 60EB3MPM, through 8/9 while supplies last.

*Prime members may receive a bigger discount. Check the Amazon page to see if a “Prime Price” is still listed.

**The text link above also includes a 6 pack.

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3 thoughts on “Amazon: Pack of 8 T5 Fluorescent Bulbs, 20W Fluorescent Lights for Shops, 2000Lm Integrated Single Fixture, 4ft Linkable Shop Light By DIKAIDA – 60% Off

  1. Kerri Schneider

    Yeah, I grabbed a killer deal for a 10 pack of them a while back too. I love these lights! I was coming to check what the comment was about – I don’t really “need” more lights right this second, but as I get older I need more and more light just to freakin see and not trip over my dog. So when I finish renovating my basement I’ll need more. I first got a 6 pack and then was upset that I hadn’t purchased more at that time. I am an excellent procrastinator – so I did that… and then I found a 10 pack for even less…. only downside to that purchase is that it only came like 3 of the longer connecting cords – but they’re just lights – not hard to replicate the cord – and if I get snarfle them at about $4/each – damn skippy… all day long and twice on Sunday.

    1. PJ Post author

      I have been really happy with these lights so far. I ended up mounting 2 under a shelf that is above my work bench and 2 more under cabinets in the garage that had created a dark spot since they block the ceiling light.

      This 6 pack came with 3 power cords a couple of like 6 inch connectors, a couple butt connectors (they probably have a different name than that) and a couple of cables that have the light connector on one side and spliced wire on the other. At least they give you plenty of options.

      I am sure these (or any T5 lights) will work great in your basement, pretty low profile and definitely give off enough light.