Social media “celebrities” make millions of dollars every year. Have you ever wondered how they do it? A large portion of their income comes from “affiliate marketing”. This is where you promote or review products and if your followers decide to make a purchase you earn a commission based on how much they spent. And you don’t have to be Justin Bieber with millions of followers to make it work either. Have you ever seen a post on Twitter or Instagram with #Ad or #Sponsored at the end of it? If so, you just saw a post with an affiliate link in it, that user will make money if you click that link and make a purchase.
The main problem for most people trying to get into affiliate marketing is how time consuming it can be. In the typical affiliate network you have to apply to be an affiliate for each individual company in the network. All the rejections you are likely to get (especially when first starting out) is enough to give you night terrors. This is why I recommend MagicLinks to anyone who asks me about making money online through their social media accounts. MagicLinks is an affiliate network with partnerships with hundreds different retailers and the best part is once you are accepted into the MagicLinks program you are automatically eligible to earn commissions from every retailer on their site.

MagicLinks has greatly reduced the typical barriers to entry when it comes to affiliate marketing and has made the entire process a breeze. After you sign up, take a look at the menu on the left side of the page, you will see one item labeled “Retail Partners”. Click that link and prepare to be amazed. All of the companies on the following pages allow you to make money when you promote their products. The coolest thing about Affiliate Marketing is that people don’t even have to buy the product you promote, if they click the link and buy ANY product on that site you will still earn the same commission.
Once you find a retailer you would like to promote look back at that menu on the left and click “Create Links”. That page will show you 2 boxes. In the box on top you will enter the URL of the product you are promoting. Paste the URL in that box then click “Generate Link” and a new shortened URL will be provided in the lower box. This is the URL you will give out to your followers and will be able to earn commissions from.
Have you signed up for MagicLinks yet? If not, what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE and sign up now! By signing up with any of the links on this page you will automatically become one of my referrals. You will earn the same commission for your sales as if you were not a referral however I too earn a commission on the sales you make. Why is this important? Because I have a financial incentive to make sure that you are successful using MagicLinks. If you don’t make any money then neither do I… and I love money.
Browse the site, post a few links and just play around a bit with it.
The following is just a small sample of retailers that you can currently earn commissions through with MagicLinks