Ever walk around at night and mistakenly step on something small?!?! Bump into something sticking out?!?! Ouch! Say no more, with this Outlet Coverplate. Installs within seconds and requires no hardwiring, just push it into its proper place and a set of contacts will touch the necessary cables and complete a circuit. Its designed to look like a standard outlet cover by day with beautiful LEDs that provide ambient lighting at night. Automatically turns on when dark with a sensor. Its powered by the outlet box and leaves both of your outlets available for other uses.
[amazon_link asins=’B01DLLTDLG,B01CF85JFK,B018U7UAOA’ template=’ProductGrid-Custom’ store=’strugglevil03-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3309431f-bb39-4b5e-8883-74af6b377d76′]
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