Harbor Freight just released their 2nd Father’s Day Sale! Its a 20% coupon…. not 25%, just 20%. The coupon expires 6/20 and has the typical exclusions. Note one of the exclusions is the coupon can’t be combined with any other discounts so anything currently with an “Instant Savings” banner is probably excluded.
Harbor Freight: Memorial Day Parking Lot Sale!
Harbor Freight just released their Memorial Day Parking Lot Sale ad for 2021! This sale starts on May 24th for Inside Track Club members and starts on May 28th for everyone else. The sale ends for everyone on May 31st. In the past parking lot sales were always a 4 page ad. This time it is a huge 10 page ad. This is probably largely because in the past they have always had coupons to go along with the sales and they have since gotten rid of all the coupons.
Also be sure to take a look at the current Instant Savings page. The deals on that page are currently good through 5/27 and you will notice several of the items overlap with parking lot sale items so you may not have to wait to pick them up. (Actually you should buy them early so you don’t have to worry about things selling out.)
Check out the video below for some of the best deals in this ad.
Price Drops This Week At Harbor Freight!
As you probably already know Harbor Freight isn’t pumping out the coupons like they used to. Over the last few months they have been putting out a few specialty coupons that are good for only 3-4 days at a time. The coupons may not be available like they used to be but they still are discounting prices on some items. Below is a list of recently marked down items at Harbor Freight.
Harbor Freight: 2 Free Items For Inside Track Club Members ONLY! (Expires 5/2/21)
Free item coupons are back! Well kind of. They aren’t coupons and they aren’t available to everybody but you can get one of 2 free items at Harbor Freight starting today through 5/2/21. This promotion is for Inside Track Club members only and as usual for free items they are free with purchase of another item. According to the fine print you can get 1 free item per day. It looks like this promotion is working the same as the other recent promos for ITC members. Once the cashier knows you are an ITC member you should automatically get the discount. Make sure to check your receipt I have seen lots of complaints from ITC members not getting their discounts.
Also, Harbor Freight used to give you a $10 gift card for signing up for the Inside Track Club…they don’t do that anymore.
Harbor Freight: Spring Black Friday Sale!
Harbor Freight just released the sale ad for their Spring Black Friday sale. Traditionally this sale has been essentially a parking lot sale with a different name. The typical parking lot sale is a 4 page ad however this Spring Black Friday sale is a total of 12 pages. Also, any Harbor Freight sale would usually be competing with the existing coupon prices. Since they are only putting out short term specialty coupons now I guess its easy to fluff up the sale ad with things that used to always have a coupon available.
Harbor Freight: $5 Tool Sale, FREE For ITC Members! (Expires 3/15/21)
Harbor Freight just announced their latest $5 tool sale. They run this sale a couple of times a year. The way it works is you can get the 6 tools shown below for just $5 each when you make a purchase of $50+. Once you break the $50 threshold you can buy 1 $5 tool or you can buy all 6 of them. In the past the $5 tool would count towards the $50 total. So in this case you could buy $30 worth of $5 tools and then get $20 of filler, I doubt Harbor Freight has updated their system so this probably still works.
The new twist this time around is if you are an ITC member you get the items for FREE with a $50 purchase. The fine print does state one per customer per day. However I read this to mean you can get 1 free drill bit set or 1 free flashlight. Each item is a different offer.
If I were going I would grab all 6 and see if they give me all 6 for free. Interestingly if they won’t do that can you get 1 free item and then 5 $5 items like a non ITC member would be able to get? Honestly I think this could get messy for some people.
Harbor Freight: 10% Off And FREE Item Coupons! (Expires 3/11/21)
Harbor Freight: 30% Off Items Up To $10 Coupon! (Expires 3/8/21)
Harbor Freight just released a new 30% off coupon! This coupon applies to any items priced up to $10, no brand exclusions. For Inside Track Club members you can receive this 30% discount on items priced all the way up to $20! This coupons expires 3/8.
40 New Coupons From Harbor Freight!
Big changes have been going on over at Harbor Freight over the last year. They have gotten rid of all the free item coupons. Got rid of the print catalogs, replacing them with a smaller digital version. Inside Track Club coupons changed to no coupon instant savings for members. Their was no February coupon catalog and at the time of this writing their is no March coupon catalog available. The typical Harbor Freight link is dead. For now, below are the latest coupons I have.
(Open post to see the coupons.)
Harbor Freight: 10% Off Coupon, 4 Days Only! (Expires 3/1/21)
20+ New Coupons From Harbor Freight!
Big changes have been going on over at Harbor Freight over the last year. They have gotten rid of all the free item coupons. Got rid of the print catalogs, replacing them with a smaller digital version. Inside Track Club coupons changed to no coupon instant savings for members. And at the time of this writing their is no February coupon catalog available. The typical Harbor Freight link is dead. For now, below are the latest coupons I have.
(Open post to see the coupons.)
Harbor Freight: 30% Off Items Up To $10 Coupon! (Expires 2/15/21)
Harbor Freight just released a new 30% off coupon! This coupon applies to any items priced up to $10, no brand exclusions. For Inside Track Club members you can receive this 30% discount on items priced all the way up to $20! This coupons expires 2/15.
30 New Coupons From Harbor Freight!
Big changes have been going on over at Harbor Freight over the last year. They have gotten rid of all the free item coupons. Got rid of the print catalogs, replacing them with a smaller digital version. Inside Track Club coupons changed to no coupon instant savings for members. And at the time of this writing their is no February coupon catalog available. The typical Harbor Freight link is dead. For now, below are the latest coupons I have.
(Open post to see the coupons.)
37 New Coupons From Harbor Freight!
Big changes have been going on over at Harbor Freight over the last year. They have gotten rid of all the free item coupons. Got rid of the print catalogs, replacing them with a smaller digital version. Inside Track Club coupons changed to no coupon instant savings for members. And at the time of this writing their is no February coupon catalog available. The typical Harbor Freight link is dead. For now, below are the latest coupons I have.
(Open post to see the coupons.)
30 New Coupons From Harbor Freight!
Big changes have been going on over at Harbor Freight over the last year. They have gotten rid of all the free item coupons. Got rid of the print catalogs, replacing them with a smaller digital version. Inside Track Club coupons changed to no coupon instant savings for members. And at the time of this writing their is no February coupon catalog available. The typical Harbor Freight link is dead. For now, below are the latest coupons I have.
(Open post to see the coupons.)
New Coupons From Harbor Freight!
Big changes have been going on over at Harbor Freight over the last year. They have gotten rid of all the free item coupons. Got rid of the print catalogs, replacing them with a smaller digital version. Inside Track Club coupons changed to no coupon instant savings for members. And at the time of this writing their is no February coupon available. The typical Harbor Freight link is dead. Rumors are their will be a catalog still and if it gets published we will create a post and let you know. For now, below are last latest coupons I have. The 20% coupon is the last one that I know of being available and it expires on 2/8. If you know of one with a later expiration date feel free to e-mail it to me and I’ll get it posted to share with everyone, PJ@struggleville.net
Harbor Freight: 84 New Coupons!
We just added 84 new Harbor Freight coupons to the site! You can check them all out below, they are also available on the Struggleville Deals app for Android users. We have a TON more coupons to add so if you haven’t signed up to receive our coupon e-mails you can do so at the top of this page.
Harbor Freight: 25% Off Coupon, 3 Days Only! (Expires 1/3/21)
Harbor Freight has brought back their 25% off single item coupon. This coupon is good for 3 days only. Starting on 1/1/21 and expiring on 1/3/21. They are also continuing their recent trend of giving ITC members a little extra by starting the coupon a day early for them, 12/31/20. The coupon still has the typical long list of exclusions…. for everybody.
Harbor Freight: 30% Off Coupon, No Exclusions – 3 Days Only! (Expires 12/20/20)
Harbor Freight just released a new 30% off coupon. This coupon does not have the usual brand exclusions we have all become accustom to. This coupon can be used on items priced at up to $10. But it gets better. If you are an Inside Track Club member you can use it on items priced at up to $20. The coupon states a limit of 5 but historically Harbor Freight does not enforce that limit.
Harbor Freight: 15% Off Coupon, No Exclusions – 3 Days Only! (Expires 12/13/20)
Harbor Freight just released a new 15% off coupon. This coupon does not have the usual brand exclusions we have all become accustom to. But it gets even better. If you are an Inside Track Club member you will receive 20% off! Limited 1 item per day. The 15% is available online or in-store but for some reason the 20% is only valid in-store.