Need a Harbor Freight coupon? We have what you need! Below is a list of the latest coupons we have uploaded to the site! If you are looking for a specific coupon enter the Harbor Freight item number in the search bar at the top of this page. Also, no Harbor Freight shopping trip is complete without using a 20% off Any Item coupon and a FREE Item coupon! Want even more Harbor Freight? Check out our Struggleville Deals app for Android users and our Struggleville Browser Extension for Google Chrome users.
can someone confirm when can we expect the next 30% off coupon- I’m sure therte’s a seemingly clear schedule??
I bought a couple sizes of the click torque wrenches , they are the Pittsburg pros , very heavy ,I was amazed for 9.99 Bought the 25 inch breaker bar also Pro version very nice 8.99 they seemed shocked when I gave them these codes and they went through, thans for saving me about 50 dollars today!